Commemorating 126th Aniv of SA n India,Sept19,1882
Commisioner.Frederick George de Latour Tucker, of the Indian Civil Service, took the Indian name of Fakir Singh and commenced Army work in Bombay on 19th September 1882.
In addition to evangelistic work, efforts were made for the amelioration of people's distress from famine, floods and epidemics. Educational facilities were provided for the depressed classes through elementary, secondary and industrial schools, and employment opportunities through cottage industries, settlements, etc.
Tucker Came to Travancore in 1889.3 Yrs later, under the teaching of some of its officers, a considerable number of people in the low caste villages of the Agastesvaram and Tovala taluqs professed Christianity and urged the Army to establish schools and permanently station officers in their midst, offering for this purpose in some instances the buildings and ground hitherto used for their Hindu worship.
Medical work started at Nagercoil in 1893 when Harry Andrews set up a dispensary there. Later known as CBH-Catherine Booth Hospital.Work among the then criminal tribes began in 1908 at Government invitation. The Salvation Army is registered as a Guarantee Company under the Indian Companies Act, 1913.
During the year 1892 the work rapidly spread and in some instances whole villages joined the army en masse. This change of religion on the part of the servants appeared at first to give great offence to their higher caste neighbours and masters. Difficulties and misunderstandings arose in consequence, often resulting in not a little suffering to the newly made converts.
In 1894 large extensions were made in the Kulkulam and Kolasegaram districts and three years later an entirely new work was opened amongest the Puliyers of North Travancore.
Now in India SA Works in 6 different territories and serving the community with its Hospitals,Vocational Training Centres (VTC), Schools, Primary Health Centres (PHC), Tailoring Institutes etc.
Keep praying for Salvation Army, for its mission and for its charity works.